Operation Fabulous
As we all know too many women in this world have self confidence issues. I feel it's our job to show those women that they are wrong about themselves, that they are beautiful, and they don't need to try all these crash diets or excessive exercise. I saw this idea when i was out at a mall. When you are out and about, take a pad of sticky notes with you, write something nice such as "smile" or "You are beautiful", leave them in public places where you know they will be seen. It doesn't have to be extremely incisive just a simple little phrase that you think would make someone feel better. Even the smallest compliment can make someones day. I know that if I saw a note on a bathroom mirror at the mall that said "smile" I would feel great about myself and it would cause me to want to put a smile on someone else's face. Too many women now feel bad about themselves, they think they are ugly, too overweight, or aren't fun. All these thoughts can lead to eating disorders, excessive plastic surgery, or drinking and drug problems. We need to stop this, we can stop this! One simple compliment can mean the world to someone. So let's start something amazing! It doesn't even have to be leaving a note behind in a bathroom or store either, come up with your own ideas of how to make someone feel better, because we have the power to change things.